When I truly loved myself

2 minutes
Woman with a cup of hot chocolate in her hands and a book.
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And if you fell off the world and don’t know how to return? The following poem by Charles Chaplin may help you get back up.

When I truly loved myself, I understood that, in any circumstance, I was in the right place, at the right time, and in the exact moment, and then I could relax.
Today I know that has a name… Self-esteem

When I truly loved myself, I could perceive that my anguish and emotional suffering were nothing but a signal that I was going against my own truths.
Today I know that is… Authenticity

When I truly loved myself, I stopped wishing my life were different and began to accept everything that happens and contributes to my growth.
Today that is called… Maturity

When I truly loved myself, I began to perceive that it is offensive to try to force a situation or person just to achieve what I desire, even knowing it is not the right time, or the person is not ready, including myself.
Today I know that is called… Respect

When I truly loved myself, I began to free myself from everything that was not healthy: people, situations, and anything that pushed me down. At first, my reasoning called that attitude selfishness.
Today it is called… Self-love

When I truly loved myself, I stopped fearing free time and gave up making big plans; I abandoned mega-future projects. Today I do what I find right, what I like, when I want, and at my own pace.
Today I know that is… Simplicity and Ease

When I truly loved myself, I gave up wanting to always be right, and thus I made fewer mistakes.
Today I discovered that is… Humility

When I truly loved myself, I stopped reliving the past and worrying about the future. Now, I stay in the present, which is where life happens.
Today I live one day at a time.
And that is called… Fulfillment

When I truly loved myself, I realized that my mind can torment and disappoint me. But when I place it at the service of my heart, it has a great and valuable ally.
All of that is… Knowing How to Live

I hope I’ve helped you. Feel free to read this poem as many times as you wish; if you feel you’ve lost your way, come back and read it again.

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