The Inner Fire: The Search for Affection and Inner Healing.

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A sad young boy.
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Narucito struggled to extinguish the fire of emotional emptiness that consumed him, seeking external affection, unaware that the solution lay within himself.

Once upon a time, there was a boy named Narucito, who on the outside seemed like any other. He played, smiled, and was loved by everyone. However, inside him, something burned constantly, like a small flame that never went out. This flame was not visible to others, but Narucito felt it every day. It was a burn inside him, an emptiness that made him feel lonely, even when surrounded by people.

Narucito didn’t understand where this inner fire came from, but over time, he realized it was the hunger for affection he had never received from his parents. They, although physically present, were always busy, distant, or preoccupied with their own problems. Narucito longed for their hugs, their attention, a word of comfort, but he rarely found it. So, over time, he began to seek that affection from others.

He grew up trying to extinguish the fire within by seeking approval from his friends, teachers, and even strangers. He responded to messages instantly, did everything possible to please others, thinking that if he kept them close, maybe one day that internal burn would go out. However, the more he sought that validation, the larger the fire grew. Because although others responded, they never completely filled the emptiness he felt.

Child walking on the moon.

The problem was that Narucito was looking for something external to heal an internal wound. He didn’t realize that this void couldn’t be filled with others’ attention. The fire that burned him could only be extinguished when he learned to give himself the affection he so longed for.

Years passed, and Narucito, now an adult, continued to struggle against that fire. He hadn’t managed to overcome it and still felt the need to respond quickly, to not ignore anyone, as if every message was an opportunity to fill that void. But the fire remained, slowly growing, because the real solution was not external, but something he needed to find within himself.

One day, while looking at his reflection in the mirror, Narucito realized that the fire wasn’t destroying him, but it was slowly consuming him. Then he understood that if he didn’t find a way to love himself, that fire would continue to burn forever.

The story of Narucito is a reminder that, although we seek affection from others, true peace and healing can only be found when we learn to fill our own void with self-love.

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