Loving someone who doesn't love you

1 minute
You in me and I in you, you and me, love is new.
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Stop flushing your love down the toilet!

Longing to be with someone who doesn’t want you is like watering a cactus in the desert: a futile effort that only leads to loneliness. No matter how much time, water, and affection you invest, true love will never blossom. It’s important to remember that it’s not a matter of goodness or badness. The other person has the freedom to choose who they want in their life, just like you do. Don’t waste your time and energy on unrequited love. Love yourself enough to say enough is enough. You deserve to be happy, too.

Instead, focus on nurturing the relationships that reciprocate your feelings and appreciation. Surround yourself with those who uplift and support you, creating an environment where love can flourish. Understand that each step away from unreciprocated affection is a step toward finding the connection you truly deserve. Embrace the possibilities that await when you open your heart to someone who genuinely wants to share their life with you. Remember, every ending is simply a new beginning, and the right person is out there, waiting for you to recognize your worth.

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