I am in love with the moon

6 minutes
full moon and gray clouds during nighttime
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Some nights we coincidentally find ourselves gazing at the moon

It all started when I greeted that young woman, confusing her with someone else. Her tender gaze, curly hair, and model-like figure captivated me. Her name, Luna, made me want to call her "my moon" or "little moon," but out of fear, and perhaps out of respect, I didn’t dare to call her that.

As the days went by, and since I usually greet everyone at my workplace, I would approach Luna and shake her hand. But for some reason, my hand didn’t want to pull away from hers.

Whenever I greeted her, there was always something to talk about, as if my body wanted to be by her side all the time. Automatically, my heart told me I should gift her mints or some chocolate, and even though I usually gave mints to everyone, this time it was different because those gifts carried more than just kindness.

One day, I was in the cafeteria at work and saw Luna warming up her food. But honestly, I saw more than that; her figure left me even more enchanted—a lady at her best for me, a sensational girl. She finished heating her food and went out to eat. My lunch break was running out, so I went outside to get some fresh air, and there I saw Luna having lunch. If I remember correctly, it was ‘rice with egg.’ Seeing that made me even more enchanted because I like simple people; to me, it denotes humility. I greeted Luna and said something like, "Did you come out here to eat so you wouldn't share anything with me?" I remember she took her plate and put it away. It’s true that she was almost done eating, but I sensed she didn’t want to eat in front of me. I remember we talked a bit about how one of the most insecure things one has is their job. I enjoyed the conversation, but what I liked most was being close to Luna.

man and woman holding hands

Days continued to pass, and I felt better when I was near Luna. (I felt butterflies in my stomach; I would have lunch and still have that feeling of butterflies in my stomach when I was close to her.) I remember one time we went out to buy some mints while discussing some psychological topics. I took the opportunity to ask for her number because I wanted to be closer to her. When I got home, I texted her and waited eagerly for Luna to reply. I think she responded later that night, then again in the morning. One time, she didn’t respond, so I began to assume:

  1. That her phone was broken, and that might explain the delay in her replies.
  2. Maybe she was afraid her family would find out she was talking to me.
  3. Perhaps she recently had a problem and was feeling down (romantically…).
  4. Maybe she doesn’t care much for social media.
  5. She doesn’t want anything to do with me, and that’s why she acts this way to push me away, although I was a bit reluctant to believe this because I did notice some interest when we talked in person.
  6. Perhaps I invaded her personal space too much.
  7. She’s tired of being pursued and that’s why she ignores my messages.
  8. She has too many responsibilities and doesn’t have time for a relationship.
  9. She likes being alone.

I know what has happened to us: we don’t want to talk to anyone, and sometimes we see messages and just leave them there without responding. But why do we do that? My mind tells me it might be because our mood isn't right for replying to messages at that moment, maybe the loss of interest because we’re going through a difficult situation, or perhaps we’ve already gone through it but are left with the habit of ignoring others’ messages, responding only when we feel like it. The point is that others might be writing to you with love, but you don’t see it, which is why you ignore them. Or maybe you’re just so busy, but the truth is, when we want to do something, we do it. So it’s not about a lack of time; it’s about a lack of interest.

I remember Luna didn’t respond to my message, and people often say that women lie. I was waiting for a response to that message, and days passed, but nothing came. Then one day, I stopped by the nearest supermarket to buy some electrical components, and a young woman approached me to offer me a credit card. We started the process for the card, and a conversation emerged where the girl told me that my curls looked good on me. In the middle of that, she asked if I had a girlfriend. Immediately, I thought of Luna, since I had been flirting with her for a few days. So, I replied to the lady with the card, “There’s a girl out there.” The conversation died there. I completed the steps to apply for the card and went on my way, but when I saw some chocolates, I kept thinking about Luna. I couldn’t resist and sent her a picture of those chocolates, asking her which one she preferred.

Love under setting sun

I have to confess that I spoke with Luna when I started writing this post because my mind and heart supported the idea that if she was going through a tough time in her life, she could count on me. She responded, thanking me for that gesture and told me that she liked me, but her interests were not the same as mine. I thanked her for being clear about her position, as I had previously let her know with some nervous words that I was romantically interested in her.

Honestly, I felt bad because my small hopes were slowly fading away. Those roses that were once strong and healthy began to wilt. But I also understand that this is life, and nothing forced works. If Luna feels good as she is, I must respect her position. Besides, I had a message saved in my mind: “I don’t want you for myself; I want you with me.” To me, this means that a partner cannot be a necessity but rather a preference. In my case, I would prefer Luna if she prefers me too.

This is life, and although I feel a bit melancholic, I will remember one of my favorite quotes: “Life is either a daring adventure or nothing at all,” as living is a continuous adventure, full of difficulties, surprises, confusion, and, above all, experiences to discover, live, and enjoy.

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