Before you leave, make sure you've made your best attempt

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Two young lovers gazing at each other romantically.
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Learn to love yourself, open your eyes, and find someone who values you. Don't settle for less!

Try as hard as you can, tell them how you feel, what you want for them, don't hold anything back. Don’t leave doors half-open; those doors often destroy the soul, they eat you up inside. We tend to leave them like that because we think the other person might change their mind, which could be true, but it might also be what ends your life.

Leaving doors half-open can trap you in a cycle, constantly looking for that person. At first, everything seems fine, but then comes the bitterness, when you realize nothing is the same anymore, and that your kind, well-meaning words now only receive indifference, when they ignore what's most important and only respond to what's convenient for them.

A lack of self-love and self-respect is staying in places where there's nothing left, where insecurity rules. This insecurity corners you, and without realizing it, you entrust your well-being to an insecure person. By the time you open your eyes, it's too late, as your heart shatters like a glass vase.

Open your eyes, analyze the situation. Sometimes we're blind, and our hearts only let us see certain things. So, ask yourself: why does that person seek you out? If they do at all. Or is the balance off? Are you the one putting in all the effort? Or do they only reach out when they need something? Remember, someone who truly cares will give you quality time.

Another thing, there are people who will make you believe they're interested just because they don't know how to tell you no or how to distance themselves. They will lead you to believe they care when the reality is different, and that will crush your soul. Your hopes will soar, but later you’ll see that the words they used to accept you didn’t come from the heart, but from fear. Fear of making you feel bad, fear of losing you, or who knows what else.

A couple sitting on a rocking chair beneath a tree.

"Before you leave, make sure you've made your best effort. And when they leave, don't chase after anyone"

Careful, just because someone doesn’t want to open the door to their heart for you doesn’t mean they’re a bad person. Remember, we are all free to do what we want with our lives. Just as you are free, so is the other person, although I know some people don't understand emotional responsibility. That's why they may be very interested at first, but then lose that interest. It’s okay, just breathe, try as hard as you can, and if they don’t open the door, leave it closed forever.

So, for your own sake, try as hard as you can. If you see there's no opportunity, close that door for good. If possible, throw away the key into infinity, where you can never find it again. Sometimes we trap ourselves by focusing on just one person, but the truth is, you just need to step into the world. There are far more people out there than you can imagine, people who will be willing to let you in. When you find the right one, take good care of them, with lots of love, and you'll see that after the storm comes the calm.

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